X-Men Movies Wiki

Sunspot (Roberto Da Costa) is a mutant with the ability to absorb and channel solar power.


X2: X-Men United

His name was seen on Stryker's Computer.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

As the Sentinels are dispatched to find and kills mutants living underground, they adapt to any situation and change their form. Iceman, Sunspot, Blink and Warpath fight the Sentinels while Shadowcat and Bishop run off into a closet somewhere. Bishop lays down and Kitty starts massaging his temples, sending his consciousness back in time. The others buy them time with their lives. A Sentinel snaps Sunspot's neck, Iceman has his head cut off and is crushed, Blink gets skewered and Warpath gets blasted to smithereens. As the Sentinel breaks through the closet and blasts fire, everything fades away; the past has been changed. Later, when the team defending the monastery while stalling the Sentinels, so Wolverine could change the timeline, he is overwhelmed by Sentinels after they cut his arm off and impale him in a pitchfork manner. These events are later erased by the altering of the timeline.


  • Solar Radiation Absorption - Sunspot absorbs solar energy and can utilize it for physical strength. The cells of a normal human body convert energy from foodstuffs into a form of energy usable by the body. Apparently, Sunspot can store solar-derived energy in his cells through the same, or a similar method, and release it when necessary.
    • Solar Form - When Sunspot absorbs solar energy can be transformed into a humanoid sun that gives him great powers.
      • Solar Beam Emmision - Sunspot is able to generate bursts of solar energy and uses it to attack.
      • Superhuman Strength - His "Solar Form" or improve their physical strength.
      • Superhuman Durability - Also Sunspot's transformation allows you to increase durability
      • Flight - He has the ability to fly when he transform.
      • Infrared Vision - Sunspot has shown when transformed infrared vision.




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